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Repayment of a Loan in a Different Currency

Question: Is it permissible to loan UAE dirhams with repayment of the loan in GB pounds? Answer بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم A loan requires that the agreement must be to repay the exact amount borrowed and in the very denomination borrowed.[1] Any agreement contrary to this in invalid and impermissible. If there is a need...Read More

Can an ex-spouse inherit?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Among the three agreed upon causes for eligibility to inheritance is marital relations; each spouse will inherit from the other provided there are no causes to be barred from inheritance. Marital relations however, unlike kinship, is not always permanent; marriages can break down with each one of the spouses go their...Read More

Who is Razin in the references of the ahadith of Mishkat?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Question: Who is Razīn in the references of the aḥādīth of Mishkāt? Answer: Ḥāfiẓ Razīn ibn Muʿāwiyah al ʿabdarī was a scholar of ḥadīth and Mālikī fiqh of the sixth-century hijrī. He was originally from Zaragoza in Spain, but then stayed in Makkah for a long time. During his time in...Read More